Hi Sasha,
Besides, the request form already contains the "why-pi" question.
So my suggestion was redundant anyway...
A requirement to "prove that you're worthy" would just lead to applicants concocting whatever story they think the IPRA will believe and be completely useless information.
I think you misunderstood me. I wanted a (maybe bit more extensive) why-pi question. The question would be for documentation purposes only. I don't *ever* want the NCC to add a question that actually influences the decision without that being approved through the full PDP! My apologies if I created that impression.
Considering that this well-intended suggestion to the NCC seems to have caused controversy and distract from the actual policy proposal we will not send the suggestion to the NCC.
Without the requirement I do, of course, fully support the policy.
Thank you expressing you opinion explicitly. That makes our lives as working group chairs so much easier! Sander