Some people want to use RPKI. It seems somewhat churlish to prevent them from doing so just because Russian members can't. But as Nick said, this is a different argument for a different time.
I'd suggest (as the original author of this particular clause) that we just remove it. Times have changed.
That means that it is up to the parties themselves to revoke their current certificate (if they have one already) and create a new one if needed. The only question is how long would it be before the transfer be completed in the RIPE system, to allow the new LIR to setup their new ROA. Technically that shouldn't be an issue, but the selling party might be selling only a part of a certain allocation, leaving that prefix invalid and the new party need to be able to create a new valid ROA directly after the transfer. Not sure btw if the current RPKI system implementation checks ROA's for that specific LIR after a transfer is done... ( Alex B might know the answer on that ... ) Regards, Erik Bais