Mikael Abrahamsson wrote: My worry horizon isn't the next 3 years, it's the next 10-50 years. We need to enable renumbering and multihoming without DFZ slot for end entity, and easing PI requirements just makes the chance of this actually being implemented that much less likely.
Sounds good, but you have it all backwards. The very reason we have IPv6 PI now is because easy renumbering and non-PI multihoming are red herrings. For the last 15 years, the IETF has lived on a lie that these features will be delivered. They have not. I hate to sound brutal, but why should I believe that you will find the Holy Grail that everyone else has been searching for over the last 15 years? I heard it all, I wrote part of it. There is NO solution to make renumbering easy and there is NO solution nearly as good as PI for multihoming. Stop the vaporware. What you want does not exist. Unlike the IETF, ARIN has recognized that fact, and this is why we have IPv6 PI; it does not fulfill the initial IPv6 dream of a strongly aggregated, PA-only routing table but it's the best we have today. I'm tired of hearing "we need to". I have been hearing this for 15 years, enough of this. Oh, BTW, I tried too. You don't have anything; when you do, deliver it and come back to us. Michel.