a kind soul took pity on me and sent the following, on which i have a comment or two. thank you thank you thank you.
Any LIR is allowed to re-allocate complete or partial blocks of IPv4 address space that were previously allocated to them by either the RIPE NCC or the IANA. Such address space must not contain any block that is assigned to an End User.
so, i can not sell off a portion of my business that has customers in it?
Address space may only be re-allocated to another LIR that is also a member of the RIPE NCC.
note that geoff has just said he would be adding a clause in his apnic proposal that allows inter-region transfer if o the seller must be abiding by all the selling rules of their ir o the buyer must be abiding by all the buying rules of their ir
The block that is to be re-allocated must not be smaller than the minimum allocation block size at the time of re-allocation. Demonstration of need for the address space by the receiving LIR to the RIPE NCC is not required during transfers.
Re-allocation must be reflected in the RIPE Database. This re-allocation may be on either a permanent or non-permanent basis.
LIRs that receive a re-allocation from another LIR cannot re-allocate complete or partial blocks of the same address space to another LIR within 24 months of receiving the re-allocation.
if i buy a portion of someone's business (see above comment), then i can not resell it for 24 months without forcing the customers to renumber?
The re-allocation will be notified to the RIPE NCC, who will record the change of allocation. Please note that the LIR always remains responsible for the entire allocation it receives from the RIPE NCC until the re-allocation is transferred to another LIR or returned. The LIR must ensure that all policies are applied.
Re-allocated blocks will be signed to establish the current allocation owner.
Re-allocated blocks are no different from the allocations made directly by the RIPE NCC and so they must be used by the receiving LIR according to the policies described in this document.