On Tue, May 17, 2016, at 20:12, Roger Jørgensen wrote:
Why aren't all of you with HUGE and MAJOR problem (sorry for the caps) with lack of IPv4 address over in IPv6-wg bombing us with question on how to get out of your current trouble?
Most probably because some of us did our part in IPv6 deployment to the extent we are allowed to do by our management, but the problem is elsewhere. In my precise case: - left $JOB[-3] in an "5 stars-ready" state 4 years ago (there was no 5th star at that time), and it's still 5 stars at this day. 4 "on-net" offices fully dual-staked. IPv6 on auto-pilot since about one year. - left $JOB[-1] with 5 stars. Auto-pilot until recently (when it almost crashed). - $JOB[0] (current) : pretty successful deployment for residential, pretty *UN*-successful on pro (some customers accept getting IPv6 by default, some don't, some others insert their v4-only equipment), almost complete failure on corporate ("no time to waste on this"). NOC is dual-stacked, rest of the company office staff (~90%) - no plans for the next 5-10 years. Still no change in the need for v4 address space. And don't tell me about CGN, address market is almost a better choice. So, what questions would you like me to bomb ipv6-wg with ?