Michel Py wrote: I hate to sound brutal, but why should I believe that you will find the Holy Grail that everyone else has been searching for over the last 15 years? I heard it all, I wrote part of it. There is NO solution to make renumbering easy and there is NO solution nearly as good as PI for multihoming.
Bill Manning wrote: DFZ slots are for those who pay for them...
This is not the way I see it. Paying for DFZ slots is embedded in "cost of doing business" for large / T1 ISPs, and in the recurring charges they charge to smaller ISPs or customers. If there was a monetary value, it would be relatively easy to collect a fee based on the number of prefixes announced upstream. I do not see that happening. It's all about money. The collective cost of announcing a prefix in the DFZ is less than the collective cost of having a complex and impossible to troubleshoot multihoming mechanism based on PA. As long as a DFZ slot does not cost $100 or $1000 a month, organizations will not go for a more complex mechanism. We are several orders of magnitude below the cost threshold. As of ID/LOC schemes, there is this myth that the table is small but in practice large environments will have to maintain a very large ID/LOC map which brings us back to the size of the DFZ again. Michel.