Mikael Abrahamsson wrote: My dystopian view is that this won't be fixed but instead vendors will have to create routers that can handle many million of routes in the next decades.
Indeed. And, somewhere at Cisco and Juniper, someone doesn't mind that this will require very expensive TCAM (or whatever comes next) in the forwarding plane and fancy ASICs to push packets at Terabit wire speed. That's what their business is about.
Jörgen Eriksson wrote: As they have done during the last 20+ years. This is the way of the Internet. If you want to be there - keep upgrading! Yes, it cost money. Big money. And if your business case does not include this - sorry, but then you have done a really bad job!
I will not be sorry. Buying out the customers of incapable competitors when they go belly up does not shock me. Michel.