it might be wise to avoid the eternal rat-hole of what will and will not increase ipv6 deployment. whether we like it or not, and whether we excoriate the folk who have not deployed or not, history has shown that we do not know. there are no more 32-bit integers. ipv6 is horrifyingly and tragically slow to deploy. get over it. get a life. those of us who have been around a while have heard it all before. raise your hand if you remember when 3gpp was going for force global ipv6 deployment. shall i start down the list of the other things? [ remember my $dayjob deployed in 1997 and my co-worker wrote the kame stack on which many of your ipv6 implementations are based. ] the point here is simple. the ripe community has a responsibility to the human community beyond the members of this list. as a friend wrote privately I would be interested to have a person who is 16 years old reply: "I am planning to open my own internet company in 4 years; can you please save some address space for me, 'til I finish high school?" But of course, there is no such person on the RIPE mailing list.. and we are responsible to those 14 year olds. it is called stewardship. randy