On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Jim Reid <jim@rfc1035.com> wrote:

> On 19 Oct 2016, at 12:34, Ciprian Nica <office@ip-broker.uk> wrote:
> But my problem at this point is not with an idea being right or wrong but with the fact that you are not a fair arbitrer.

In your (utterly flawed) opinion.

I respect everyone's opinion and especially yours. 
I’m fairly sure the overwhelming majority of the people of this list have absolute confidence in the integrity of the WG’s co-chairs. If you think you can do better, feel free to stand the next time the appointment process runs.

I never care about the majority and I don't think that should be a standard. Time has proven that sometimes majorities are wrong.
> As a WG Chair my opinion is that you should not take sides.

There is no evidence whatsoever to support your claim that Gert (or Sander) are “taking sides”.

Supporting an idea and ignoring someone based on personal feelings means taking sides.

> It's a simple question from a member of the community to one of the WG Chairs: did you abuse the last /8 or not ? Do you consider yourself a neutral arbitrer or not ? Do you consider yourself the one that should be judging others ?

Here’s a simple rhetorical question for you. Do you think making unjustified ad-hominem attacks and insults like the above will encourage support for your position on this policy proposal?

Your behaviour here is unacceptable and way, way, way out of line.

With power comes responsibility. And yes, we should question our "leaders" all the time. This is not something wrong, it's helpful for keeping the balance.

> Or is it your "job" to shut the voices that are not according to your interests ?

No. That’s *my* job. :-)

Until you apologise and learn how to conduct yourself properly on this list, Ciprian SHUT UP.

Unsubscribe, shut up, go away... Next time you'll send me to a concentration camp ? No I WILL NOT SHUT UP ! I will always express my opinion even if I'm the only one in the world supporting it. A great romanian said that the best definition of democracy is "I will fight till my last drop of blood so you will have the right to disagree with me".

I know many don't like it and prefer to solve matters by putting the fist into minority's mouth. Who'll be next in line to be "killed" tomorrow ?
