Hello, Gert!

LIR allocate from their PA some network to end-user.
Even LIR will be closed, why end-user should lose allocated resources?
What did end-user do wrong? Why end-user should lost allocated resources?
As you wrote: "usually: (1) non-payment, (2) lying to the NCC, or (3) getting convicted of criminal activity"
1. End-user may initiate payment via temporary (substitutional)  for allocated resources - it's not a reason for resources recall.
2.1 LIR lying to the NCC - ok. Close LIR but pass used resources to another LIR, why not? Who invented recall and for what? For pain?
2.2 End-user lying to LIR (but check passed) and as result LIR lying to NCC - yes, we can recall end-user resources, but only lying end-users. Not all resources of LIR.
3. Criminal activity should not impact end-users who did not do anything criminal.

Current policy do not protect end-users. LIR - it's just like an administrator. We can fire administrator but current policy respectively destroy building where administrator has worked.

On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 23:22, Gert Doering <gert@space.net> wrote:

On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 10:42:17AM +0300, Maxim A Piskunov wrote:
> As I understand "NetUP Ltd." will loose their PA-addresses if LIR status
> will not recovered and customers will should renumbering their networks.
> I have one simple question: why not specified procedure of keeping
> originally allocated addresses for case when LIR-status under cancellation
> and LIR can't transfer PA to another LIR.
> Or I miss something and chance to keep addresses is exists?

If I can keep my addresses even if I do not fulfill my contractual
obligations to the NCC ("pay my bill, do not lie, etc.") - why should
I do that, then?

Resources can only be kept while the LIR is not closed, and that will
not happen unless there is good reason (usually: non-payment, lying
to the NCC, or getting convicted of criminal activity).

Gert Doering
        -- APWG chair
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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