The rest of the discussion is on positions, perceived implications and forward looking statements. We're never going to agree on a single picture for the future so let's not try to. The one thing that we all do know and feel is that the future's going to be different from the current reality.
You're right!
Based on this, I would like to ask the chairs to move the process forward for this proposal.
I'd like the chairs to throw out the whole proposal because it tries to predict the future and solve a problem that does not even exist yet. And might never exist. <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2007-08.html> We don't have consensus on this and the points raised by Sander Steffan in his email on the 13th of June, have not been answered yet. Here is Sander's email: <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/maillists/archives/address-policy-wg/2008/msg0 0382.html>