<< To qualify for a direct assignment, the organisation must become a Local Internet Registry (LIR) or have a similar contractual relation >> 2006-1 The organisation MUST be LIR. but with ipv4-PI, the organisation must not be an LIR. so for Pi-ipv6 like pi-ipv4. the organisation must request assignement thru an LIR. but not MUST be an LIR. Why PI-ipv6 is not possible today ? we beleive that is it important for organisation who use Pi-ipv4 today, to have the possiblity to request PI-ipv6. so ripe must adopt the proposal of PI-ipv6, right now. We support all of proposal that not block assignment of PI-ipv6. so we support 2006-1 the status of LIR is not required by the organisation that request but the request must be done by an LIR. and we support 2008-1 and 2005-08 End User- assignent is done by LIR or ISP. : /64 for physical/extra small organisation. /56 organisation. bst regards Frederic