El 29/07/2014 10:53, ksyu@netassist.ua escribió:
Because it concern to everyone. Today you accept russian aggression. Tomorrow will die more than 298 YOUR people from their arms.
And this is what happens when you discuss something political in a list that has nothing to do.
29.07.2014 11:43, Michiel Klaver пишет:
Hi Max,
Please tell us why you choose to spam thousands of subscribers of public mailinglists, while your question should have been addressed directly to NCC legal desk?
-- Daniel Baeza Centro de Observación de Red Dpto. Red y Sistemas Television Costa Blanca S.L. Telf. 966.190.847 | Fax. 965.074.390 http://www.tvt.es | http://www.tvt-datos.es Correo: d.baeza@tvt-datos.es -- [Atención] La información contenida en este e-mail es confidencial, privilegiada y está dirigida exclusivamente a su destinatario. Cualquier revisión, difusión, distribución o copiado de este mensaje sin autorización del propietario está prohibido. Si ha recibido este e-mail por error por favor bórrelo y envíe un mensaje al remitente. [Disclaimer] The information contained in this e-mail is privileged and confidential and is intended only for its addressee. Any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received it in error please delete the original message and e-mail us. (!) El medio ambiente es responsabilidad de todos. Imprime este mail si es absolutamente necesario.