On Mon, May 30, 2016, at 20:31, Sascha Luck [ml] wrote:
So there are transfers due to M&A, name changes, and *according to transfer policy*. Three separate cases.
Which also means that 2015-04, stating explicitly that M&A transfers are subject to policy, contradicts ripe-654 and would trigger a change of this document - which I hope would be subject to membership approval via GM vote.
Hi, Well, actually, to my understanding, the M&A procedure already changed without vote from the membership. The whole issue is "what is a merger or an acquisition". To my current understanding: - Company A purchased 100% of company B parts/shares/equity -> NOT M&A - Company A purchased assets of company B including network and customer base -> YES M&A - Company A and company B merge (join their assets under a common entity) -> YES M&A - Company X changing name (irrelevant of reason) -> "name change" (ripe-645 section 4.0) - Merging LIRs from the same company -> NO LONGER M&A (which changed without any vote), or am I wrong ? Concerning, the proposal, there is the very confusing section 2.2 for which says two seemingly conflicting things. The best I can understand (which seems to be confirmed by the impact analysis) is that the 24 months interval is reset by a M&A, but M&A is not subject to it. Whatever M&A means, which is still out of policy's scope. The wording of section 2.2 is my only issue, but I suppose it is a minor one (how easy to read/understand a policy is, does not seem to be an issue). Basically, no real impact on M&A (again, whatever that means). -- Radu-Adrian FEURDEAN fr.ccs