On 6 Apr 2010, at 09:51, Sergey Gotsulyak wrote:
We're trying to make the internet a safer place for millions of people and improve the present technical infrastructure at the same time by creating a distributed network of available and effective DNS-servers in Russia and Europe. I can't speak for Europe but in Russia and its neighboring countries the existing DNS-structure has a lot of problems such as slow channels and outdated equipment, lack of DNSSEC support and protection from attacks.
Sergey, these are Noble Things that hopefully everyone can agree on. I wish you well in those efforts. However I simply don't see what that has to do with easily remembered IP addresses or how these could matter to the services you propose to offer. It seems very unlikely these services or their intended customers would care whether they were provided on memorable addresses or not. For some definition of memorable... BTW, your plans for a (global?) DNS service sound interesting. Perhaps you could come along to the DNS WG to discuss your ideas?