Dear Colleagues, At the RIPE 59 Meeting in Lisbon in October 2009, the RIPE NCC announced that it would undertake a project to improve the language of various RIPE Policy Documents, without changing their substance or meaning. This project is aimed at improving the clarity and readability of RIPE Documents. For more information, see: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/updated-documents A draft of the first RIPE Document to be revised, ripe-463, "Autonomous System (AS) Number Assignment Policies and Procedures", was then published. The status of the project was presented at the RIPE 60 Meeting in Prague in May 2010, and new discussions and decisions ensued. The development of the project led to a second version of the draft. We have published this draft document in two layouts. The first layout contains only the proposed text, in full, and is available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/updated-documents/ASN-inc-v2.html The second layout contains both the current text and the proposed text side by side, and it’s available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/updated-documents/ASN-comp-v2.html At the top of both draft documents, there is a summary of the proposed changes. There are three changes we would like to highlight because they differ from the previous version of the draft. Abstract The abstract was edited to be more precise and comprehensive. Paragraph 5.0: Validity of an Assignment This paragraph was removed as per feedback from the RIPE community. Paragraph 8.0: Attribution This paragraph was added to note the participation of the people who made AS Number-related proposals through the RIPE Policy Development Process and who therefore contributed to the wording of the AS Number policy documents over time. During RIPE 60, the RIPE community agreed to use this method of attribution for all future RIPE Policy Documents. Other smaller changes are listed at the top of document. Please review the text and send any feedback you might have to the Address Policy Working Group mailing list. The period for review is two weeks and lasts until 29 July 2010. After the review period, the Address Policy Working Group Chairs will conclude whether or not there is consensus on the draft document. Kind regards, Filiz Yilmaz Policy Development Manager RIPE NCC