
I've sent this only to Marco instead of replying to the list.

Please see my comments below.


On Monday, October 17, 2016, Ciprian Nica <office@ip-broker.uk> wrote:

I think it would be useful to list on the statistics also the broker that facilitated the transfer. That might be of interest to the community and I think the NCC should revise the transfer agreement template in order to be able to mention the broker and also to publish it's name on the transfer statistics page. Also the broker should be allowed to communicate with RIPE and pass information on behalf of the customers during the transfer process.

There is also a cosmetic thing that I don't know if it needs be mentioned in policy in order to be implemented. The netname of the allocation keeps the original allocation date in it's name which can be confusing although there's the new "created" attribute.

For example, the subnet was transferred on 14/10/2016 and it was part of an allocation with netname EU-JM-20120914. The new allocation has netname ES-SISTEC-20120914.

If the date is no longer relevant in a netname then I think it should be simply ES-SISTEC, otherwise it can be ES-SISTEC-20161014


On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Marco Schmidt <mschmidt@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

The draft documents for version 4.0 of the policy proposal 2015-04, "RIPE Resource Transfer Policies" have now been published, along with an impact analysis conducted by the RIPE NCC.

The goal of this proposal is to create a single document with all relevant information regarding the transfer of Internet number resources.

Some of the differences from version 3.0 include:

- Adding a reference in all related allocation and assignment policies to the new transfer policy document
- Clarification in the policy text and policy summary regarding transfers due to a change in the organisation’s business (such as a merger or acquisition)

You can find the full proposal and the impact analysis at:

And the draft documents at:

We encourage you to read the draft document and send any comments to <address-policy-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2016.


Marco Schmidt
Policy Development Officer

Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum