Dear chairs of the address policy working group,

While I applaud your willingness to provide a platform to any and all policy proposal regardless of its merit, I must now strongly encourage you to start reconsidering this approach or to start actively moderating discussions on this mailing list. 

I'm appalled by the level of discussion, the ad hom attacks, fallacious argumentation (see for an exhaustive list), a lack of constructive attitude from both the proposers and respondents and the almost absent attempts to keep discussions focused. 

Given that this email list is the foundation of our fabled community-driven bottom-up policy process - and frankly, one of our few arguments to keep top-down decision makers out of numbers policy, I expect some standards to be maintained, and in my opinion they have been slipping, badly.

Hoping for short term improvement,

(no hats)

(and no Aleksi, I'm sure you had no ill intentions in your email, it was just the final straw for me)