
You have been moderated in other RIPE ML’s already. 

See this as a final warning, if you can’t stop off-topic posts on this ML or keep posting with personal attacks, I’ll ask the NCC to filter all emails to this list from you as well. 

And to the other AP-WG ML subscribers, please stop sending replies to this. 

Erik Bais
Co-Chair AP-WG

Op 3 mei 2020 om 00:09 heeft Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> het volgende geschreven:


The coconut was called an antisemitic person and a racist person not by me, but by many other people in Nanog.

I didn't call him a coconut because he criticized me, he never criticized me, he defamed me for many months without a single proof and he called me in antisemitic names.

That coconut person, the same as you are, are both connected to the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project".

My response was to Gert regarding his post about me, why do you keep spamming the list ? go play with your cat.

I would like to repeat the last part in my response:


And last but not least, because you are obviously interested that our Chairman will be re-elected and that is the only reason that you want to show to the readers why they shouldn't elect me, it is important to me to write the following lines to the readers:

On 14th of April our Chairman supported the nomination of Maria Hall and another candidate in the following two links:

Then 15 minutes after it, Maria Hall supported the nomination of our Chairman in the following link:

But there is something strange in the description that Maria Hall wrote:

The line "Reason for nominating the candidate:" appear twice right below each other:

Reason for nominating the candidate: 
 Reason for nominating the candidate: 
Christian is very active in the RIPE community, where he has attended every meeting for several years and is Co-Chair of the RIPE MAT WG. 
In the last four years, Christian served on the RIPE NCC Executive Board as Secretary and since 2018 is the Executive Board Chairman. Christian has shown very strong and positive leadership in his role as chair of the board and I know that, both in the present situation and in upcoming times, Christians leadership, dedication and passion will be absolutely necessary for RIPE NCC.

This is because she did copy-paste, she did copy paste for the whole paragraph that was sent to her (including the title) from our respected Chairman that wrote it on himself, and all she did was copy-paste, is this what we want ? a fake Chairman ? look what he wrote on himself. Look how Gert is pushing that no change in the Board will be made. You are being manipulated dear readers.

Please allow me repeat what our Chairman wrote on himself:

"Christian has shown very strong and positive leadership in his role as chair of the board and I know that, both in the present situation and in upcoming times, Christians leadership, dedication and passion will be absolutely necessary for RIPE NCC"

Is this the board that you want ? a fake board ?

Who knows what is going on with the expenses, to where they are flowing, any request for detailed information of RIPE expenses is being redirected to these people in the Board that say that NDA is signed with all the suppliers. Can we trust them when they are cheating the community in such a way ?

Gert, I'm asking from you not to take part in it and to cheat the community as well.

Now Gert will probably moderate me so I will not write any other truth which is against his interests.



From: Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>
Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 1:02 AM
To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io>
Cc: Gert Doering <gert@space.net>; address-policy-wg@ripe.net <address-policy-wg@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [address-policy-wg] My response to Ronald Guilmette
Elad, "coconut" is not an "honorary title" for crying out loud, please just stop posting.

And please stop calling people antisemitic, racist, and spamhaus employees just for criticizing you...

- Cynthia

On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 11:57 PM Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:
Cynthia, all I did was to respond.

A coconut is an honorary title to that person that was called, not by me, but by many other people which are not related to me in Nanog - a racist and an antisemitic, because of his many online expressions.


From: Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>
Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 12:52 AM
To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io>
Cc: Gert Doering <gert@space.net>; address-policy-wg@ripe.net <address-policy-wg@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [address-policy-wg] My response to Ronald Guilmette
Please Elad, stop this madness, just stop posting to any RIPE mailing list unless it is actually on topic, please!

Also you said the word "coconut" 8 times in one email....

- Cynthia

On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 11:21 PM Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:

Please forgive me for missing that misleading reply of yours and I'm sure that you are interested to hear my response. (anyone can just skip to the last part, about our fake Chairman)

"Calling someone "a Coconut" is definitely not the type of tone we want
here.  Stick to factual discussions, take the name-calling elsewhere.
You are twisting the facts, it was the Coconut that started it all months ago at Nanog and also here in the Anti-Abuse Working Group. The coconut called me in many names over a period of months without a single proof against me - also in your working group - and you did nothing (if you are going to say: but the Coconut didn't say your name in our group - well he didn't but you could still say something).

"Calling someone "a Coconut" is definitely not the type of tone we want
here.  Stick to factual discussions, take the name-calling elsewhere.
I didn't hear you or anyone else writing anything to the Coconut in the many months that the Coconut defamed me without a single proof against me, only because I dared to stood up against the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project".

Yes!  I was so hoping for a new round of "Gert Doering is totally
unworthy of being a WG chair".  We haven't had this in a long while.
You are not worth to be in any leading role when you make decisions based on connections and who you know.

I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just trying to remind people of house
rules.  You are are calling names, and you are damaging your own
reputation by repeatedly refusing to adhere to list etiquette aka
"house rules".
You didn't remind to the Coconut any of the house rules, you are just saying "we didn't know to whom the coconut refers and now we know and we will tell nothing to the coconut but we will not vote to the person that he referred to" - I hope that the readers see clearly what you are doing.

And last but not least, because you are obviously interested that our Chairman will be re-elected and that is the only reason that you want to show to the readers why they shouldn't elect me, it is important to me to write the following lines to the readers:

On 14th of April our Chairman supported the nomination of Maria Hall and another candidate in the following two links:

Then 15 minutes after it, Maria Hall supported the nomination of our Chairman in the following link:

But there is something strange in the description that Maria Hall wrote:

The line "Reason for nominating the candidate:" appear twice right below each other:

Reason for nominating the candidate: 
 Reason for nominating the candidate: 
Christian is very active in the RIPE community, where he has attended every meeting for several years and is Co-Chair of the RIPE MAT WG. 
In the last four years, Christian served on the RIPE NCC Executive Board as Secretary and since 2018 is the Executive Board Chairman. Christian has shown very strong and positive leadership in his role as chair of the board and I know that, both in the present situation and in upcoming times, Christians leadership, dedication and passion will be absolutely necessary for RIPE NCC.

This is because she did copy-paste, she did copy paste for the whole paragraph that was sent to her (including the title) from our respected Chairman that wrote it on himself, and all she did was copy-paste, is this what we want ? a fake Chairman ? look what he wrote on himself. Look how Gert is pushing that no change in the Board will be made. You are being manipulated dear readers.

Please allow me repeat what our Chairman wrote on himself:

"Christian has shown very strong and positive leadership in his role as chair of the board and I know that, both in the present situation and in upcoming times, Christians leadership, dedication and passion will be absolutely necessary for RIPE NCC"

Is this the board that you want ? a fake board ?

Who knows what is going on with the expenses, to where they are flowing, any request for detailed information of RIPE expenses is being redirected to these people in the Board that say that NDA is signed with all the suppliers. Can we trust them when they are cheating the community in such a way ?

Gert, I'm asking from you not to take part in it and to cheat the community as well.

Now Gert will probably moderate me so I will not write any other truth which is against his interests.


From: Gert Doering
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2020 1:33 PM
To: Elad Cohen
Cc: Gert Doering; address-policy-wg@ripe.net
Subject: Re: [address-policy-wg] My response to Ronald Guilmette


On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 10:16:41AM +0000, Elad Cohen wrote:
> I didn't attack anyone, I only responded to a defamation post against me in your working group, which to it you didn't write anything.
> Ronald is aCoconut by many people, and he is defaming me and calling me
> in names for many many months, including in the post in your own working
> group - which you completely ignored

As I said, it was not necessary to have a third WG chair repeat the same
thing that Briand and Denis already said.

Calling someone "a Coconut" is definitely not the type of tone we want
here.  Stick to factual discussions, take the name-calling elsewhere.

(Note that Ronald did not mention your name at all, so it is very helpful
that you make abundantly clear *who* he refers to, so we can do a much
better informed executive board election).

> - so this says a lot about yourself and about your title as a co-chair,

Yes!  I was so hoping for a new round of "Gert Doering is totally
unworthy of being a WG chair".  We haven't had this in a long while.

> So go ahead, Gert, attack me once more in an unbalanced way.

I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just trying to remind people of house
rules.  You are are calling names, and you are damaging your own
reputation by repeatedly refusing to adhere to list etiquette aka
"house rules".

Gert Doering
        -- AWPG chair
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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