On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 03:58:00PM +0100, Filiz Yilmaz wrote:
We encourage you to send your comments to address-policy-wg@ripe.net before 16 April 2008.
I do oppose this proposal. Reasons: - No real problem solved, the allocation request procedure is trivial and doesn't usually (or even often) require support from legal folks and "company leaders" as far as I'm aware. - Possible billing category upgrades - Allocation of non-insignificant resources not requested by the LIR - Possibly insufficient allocation sizes being allocated, with limited space to grow (/29) into without renumbering. LIRs should make up their mind how much space they need _before_ requesting resources - If policy implemented, less empirical insight into how many organizations actually start to care about IPv6 (step 1: allocation assigned, step 2: announcement of prefix in BGP) Best regards, Daniel -- CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr@cluenet.de -- dr@IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0