Hi chairs! On Mon, 2021-04-26 at 10:50 +0000, Erik Bais wrote:
Second this is going to be last WG session with our faithful Gert as co-Chair of the WG, as he is going to step down. And because he started RIPE 44 in Amsterdam, 2003 as chair for the LIR-WG (now AP-WG), he is probably one of the longest serving Chairs in our community.
We should plan something nice for him at the next physical RIPE meeting 🙂 Â
So, on the agenda, we have the following planned. We will be publishing a couple presentations in pre-recording, so that we can have more time for discussions. The publication of those pre-recordings is planned for the weekend before the WG session.
So just to be 101% clear: we are watching those video's in our own time before the session, and the session itself will be DISCUSSION ONLY, right? Cheers! Sander