
Your information based on assumption that you work with clean information.

Could you tell LIR for this Allocated PA network?

I see more than 500 networks with type "Allocated PA" doesn't have LIR. So you will not see transfers for this networks if this information will be not published. Of course it is possible to make "diff" for changes, but it will be not 100% correct information about transfers.

Alexey Ivanov

06.11.2012 16:42 - Nick Hilliard написал(а):
On 06/11/2012 12:03, LeaderTelecom Ltd. wrote:
> How are you going to know did company changed name or IPs were transfered?


the LIR ID stays the same, regardless of the legal name of the company.

You've said that your concern is that other people will know which IP
addresses have been transferred.  The code I included shows which LIR ID
loses or gains IP addresses, and according to what you said earlier:

> criminal element will know who just received big amount of money and can
> be target for raiders.

... the code I posted will identify exactly which LIR have recently lost or
gained IP addresses, because you can look up the LIR details here:

So you can use my code to see exactly which LIR has lost IP addresses or
gained them.

It's really easy to track this.  Here's a database schema for holding the

CREATE TABLE `ipv4quantities` (
  `id` int unsigned NOT NULL,
  `regid` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `numberofaddresses` int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
  `thedate` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

Will I write another couple of lines of code and hook up
into this database schema?  And another 10 lines of code to provide a web
front end?

If you want, I'll write another couple of lines on top of that, with
another two database tables, and that can be used to provide a complete
historical list of exactly what addresses are held by any LIR, along with
sortable columns so you can see what IP address space was transferred, and
when.  But it turns out that most of this is unnecessary, because it's
already being done here:

In other words the information proposed in this policy is already available
in multiple formats from multiple areas of the RIPE NCC web site / database
/ ftp site, and extracting this information is simple enough for a school
child to do.

Let me repeat:

##                                                                    ##
## Getting this information is so simple that even a child can do it. ##
##                                                                    ##

Please drop your objection.  It's completely ridiculous.
