I'm new to the list but would like to comment on this subject.
I'm also trying to receive IPv6 PI for a webhosting customer of us which seems to be a big problem.
I do not understand why everyone claims that 'the routing table growth' is the reason not to allow too much IPv6 PI.
Those currently having IPv4 PI would of course require IPv6 PI because they still want to be indepentent. If they need to be a LIR to get IPv6 PA the problem is not solved for the routing-table issue. A prefix is still entered into the same global routing-table.
I would suggest changing the IPv6 PI policy to make it more clear for hosting/isp company's to get IPv6 PI by enforcing that the equipment on which the IPv6 addresses are installed in rooms accessible by that company. Multi-homing is a good reason also. I'm not sure if we should delete that reason. This makes the company more aware that they are really independend.
This suggestion solves two things:
- large broadband ISP's with CPE in office-building, homes etc do not fit into this policy. The equipment is behind other company's doors. This enforces these company's to assign block to their customers from PA space as it was meant to be.
- small ISP's/hosting company's with a few racks installed at one ore more DC's (which we talk about in this postings) do fit into this policy and will be independend to their internet suppliers. Of course, they should request another PI (or get assigned-PA from a LIR) for their customers which buy dedicated racks from them and receiving their own key to the lock. This is exactly what we would like to see it.
What do other people on the list think about this?
regards, Igor Ybema