Hi Alex,

May I interpret your slide29 in this way:

3,5% off the address space had been allocated as PI in the RIPE NCC service region and this PI address space is responsible for 21% of the BGP prefixes (originated in this region).

So 3,5% AND 21%....

In IPv6 PI this ratio probably will be even worse...



On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Alex Le Heux <alexlh@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear Wilfried,

On Aug 10, 2011, at 12:23, Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet wrote:

> Without wanting to imply anything, just providing us with real figures -
> iirc NCC Registration Services has given a very nice report recently (at 61
> or 62? a recent NRO report?), listing the number of PI assignmenet vs the number
> of PA allocations, and the percentage of space given out for the 2 categories.
> Unfortunately, I cannot find this/those presentation/s on short notice right now.
> Maybe the NCC can help?

At RIPE62 I presented the following:

(PI section starts at slide 9, numbers from 25 onwards)

Adding the IPv4 PI vs the IPv4 ALLOCATED blocks the RIPE NCC has on file at the moment, we see that 3.5% of all IPv4 IPs handed out were assigned/allocated as PI.

Best regards,

Alex Le Heux