Hi, El 03/07/2014 17:16, Gert Doering escribió:
On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 04:52:14PM +0200, Dpto. Datos Television Costa Blanca wrote:
Oh please, stop that. I just only said that 5 or 6 ppl is not consensous. If you all wish, I did the math. 7 (counting you) of 3000 is 0.23% and the list have more than 3k subscribers. Im not going that way because if we start with that, not a single proposal would be accepted. You'll *have* to go that way, as this is the way RIPE policy making works.
Only actual statements are evaluated, and if all you get is 7 people disagreeing with the idea, it does not matter if 100, 3000, or 5 million other people do not say anything about it.
If you look at the archives, you'll see that it's quite different for different proposals - some ideas get much/only positive feedback right away (and in that case, 5 people telling us "yeah, go for it!" is also clear enough, as 2995 others do not find it necessary to say "I'm against it! stop!"), other ideas cause long discussions, eventually leading to the opponents being convinced - and yet other proposals come up, get strong headwind, and are withdrawn because it's clear that there is not enough support.
This is not voting, this is "rough consensus", similar to RFC7282. You understand me wrong. Im saying just what you are saying. Not everybody on the list will vote, negative or positive. I know that and Im ok with that. Im not trying to do that way. I only said that if in 2 days, only a few said no there is no consensous. At least not only in 2 days of topic.
When I started the topic, few months ago, as far I can remember I stopped it until IANA return the space and see if we reach a /8 (somebody said we will not be even close) and then see what we do about it. I have a mess with Thunderbird and it crashes everytime I search for the emails, so I cant copy&paste or take a look now (still trying) but I remember that. IANA returned the space, we now have more than a /8 what makes me think... Its then the last /8 proposal invalid since now we have more than a /8? Didnt read the full proposal, and to be honest, I'll probably cant understand it in their totallity so if anyone can answer me that would be awesome. Kind Regards, -- Daniel Baeza Centro de Observación de Red Dpto. Internet y Telefonía Television Costa Blanca S.L. Telf. 966190565 WEB: http://www.tvt.es Correo: datos@tvt-datos.es --AVISO LEGAL-- En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre de protección de datos de carácter personal, se pone en conocimiento del destinatario del presente correo electrónico, que los datos incluidos en este mensaje, están dirigidos exclusivamente al citado destinatario cuyo nombre aparece en el encabezamiento, por lo que si usted no es la persona interesada rogamos nos comunique el error de envío y se abstenga de realizar copias del mensaje o de los datos contenidos en el mismo o remitirlo o entregarlo a otra persona, procediendo a borrarlo de inmediato. Asimismo le informamos que sus datos de correo han quedado incluidos en nuestra base de datos a fin de dirigirle, por este medio, comunicaciones comerciales, profesionales e informativas y que usted dispone de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y especificación de los mismos, derechos que podrá hacer efectivos dirigiéndose a Televisión Costa Blanca, S.L., C/ San Policarpo 41 Bajo. C.P: 03181 Torrevieja (Alicante).