Hi, actually I do not understand why the price raises with this. It actually only prevents the currently more or less legal way to bypass the "last /8"-policy by setting up a bunch of LIRs which actually only have the single purpose to drop IPv4 into pool. I'd even prefer to go one step further and propose to extend the policy to: "A /22 allocation, which had been assigned under the last /8-Policy may only be transfered, when it has been in use for at least 24 month. Allocations which have not been used need to be returned to RIPE NCC to be readded to the pool." You know, same rules for everyone, else LIRs from countries where it is pretty easy and cheap to set up legal entities would have a big advantage over the ones located in countries where it's much more complicated and expensive. Acutally trading IPs as whole should not be accepted ... and to run the business fair for every LIR, it would actually be necessary to validate usage of IP-Space regualary and enforce returning unused blocks. Before last /8 you needed to jutify your need, but many LIRs faked their justifications and now can make profit out of their cheating. IMHO the only reason for a Resource-Transfer is a LIR-Merger, where the IP-Space is in use and the customers the IP-Space is assigned are also taken over bei the new LIR. Everything else is against the principles of equality between LIRs, as it is e.g. presented as the reason for why LIRs with /11 IPv4 pay the same as ones with only a single /22. Kind regards Jens On 23.04.2015 12:18, Infinity Telecom SRL wrote:
If this proposal will be accepted: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2015-01
The price per IP found at "IPv4 Transfer Listing Service" will be double or even worst.
Little companies will be out of business.. and we will be one of them.
To pay double or even more for some spammed IP.. its not a good choice.. only because smart guys with no real internet business hold very large blocks
This proposal should have more time, its not like any other proposal, this can affect activity for a lot of small companies.
Thank you.
/-- Cu stima, Gabriel Voitis | Sales Manager /voitis@infinitytelecom.ro <mailto:voitis@infinitytelecom.ro>
/INFINITY TELECOM SRL | Bd-ul Iuliu Maniu nr 7, Corp A, Scara 2 Mobil: +40 0725 677 477 | Tel: +40 021 7808805 | Fax: +40 021 7808806 /contact@infinitytelecom.ro <mailto:contact@infinitytelecom.ro> !DSPAM:637,5538cc3c196401601117903!
-- Opteamax GmbH - RIPE-Team Jens Ott Opteamax GmbH Simrockstr. 4b 53619 Rheinbreitbach Tel.: +49 2224 969500 Fax: +49 2224 97691059 Email: jo@opteamax.de HRB: 23144, Amtsgericht Montabaur Umsatzsteuer-ID.: DE264133989