Mikael Abrahamsson wrote: My dystopian view is that this won't be fixed but instead vendors will have to create routers that can handle many million of routes in the next decades.
Indeed. And, somewhere at Cisco and Juniper, someone doesn't mind that this will require very expensive TCAM (or whatever comes next) in the forwarding plane and fancy ASICs to push packets at Terabit wire speed. That's what their business is about.
Well... So far Cisco and Juniper have been able to piggyback their use of TCAM resources with what's available in the marketplace. From what I've picked up from reputable sources, we're pushing the limits, and Moore's law does not appear to apply to the rather specialized market of humungous TCAM chips. I'm not sufficiently of an optimist that I think we won't hit a technological limit in the case of us collectively injecting too much entropy into the global routing table. Therefore I've voiced my concerns over this proposal earlier, and I continue to hold this view. Regards, - HÃ¥vard