Dear Mr. Schmidt,

I want to make a comment on your proposal "Revision of Last /8 Allocation Criteria“.

We became RIPE member about 1,5 years ago. We have received one single /22 subnet. Due to groth requirement, we have purchased an additional /23 subnet a few weeks ago in an auction.

In you proposal it is stated that for an additional /22 allocation the member „must not have transferred any IPv4 address space before“.

I hope this requirement only concernes transfers away from us, not to us. Otherwise I find it very unfair that we are punished for organizing additional subnets in a legal way for our regular business. We don’t intend to trade with those IPs.

Best regards,

Kai Rottleb

KNT Internet, Inh. Kai Rottleb
Riethnordhaeuser Str. 71 
99189 Hassleben, Germany
Tel:  036201 61055
Mobil:  01723971017