Patrick, On Mar 20, 2008, at 10:30 AM, Patrick Vande Walle wrote:
I would support a proposal that would allow RIPE to give out IPv6 PI space to those Inetnum holders who specifically request it, no questions asked.
A simple web form that allocates /48s on demand has been suggested several times in the past.
I do not buy the argument that it should be rejected because this would fill up the routing tables. If the Cogent/Telia ongoing dispute is any indication, even the SOHO's will soon need to multihome if they want global connectivity.
Indeed. I personally figure as people become more and more dependent on Internet connectivity (e.g., not just for communication/ entertainment, but for system monitoring and control), multi-homing will become the norm rather than the exception.
So, unless we want to repeat the NAT scenario we currently have in homes and small offices, PI space seems necessary and will develop further.The router industry will need to come up with faster hardware.
Be careful what you wish for. The router industry would undoubtedly be happy to sell you hardware as fast as the law of physics allow. Of course, building it will be mindbogglingly expensive (particularly given the market for the high end gear is so tiny), so you'll pay a premium. Or rather, the very large ISPs (who are the only ones who'll be able to afford it) will pay a premium and pass the cost down to you, the consumer. Oh, and it'll take a bit of time (designing and spinning ASICs doesn't happen overnight), so in the meantime, some ISPs will probably need to filter out stuff to keep their routers from falling over. Since nobody is really using IPv6 right now, I suspect it'll be the first to go. Oh, and most of those small multi-homed sites most likely aren't all that interesting to the very large ISPs, so they'll probably be targeted for filtering as well. As a small multi-homed site, you'll undoubtedly have the option of finding all those ISPs that are filtering you and paying them to not filter you, but that'll be pretty annoying. So it goes. TANSTAAFL. Regards, -drc