On 06/04/2010 13:50, Jess Kitchen wrote:
As far as I can gather there was cold hard cash exchanging hands for and - fine for some people and in the ARIN region it's a lot more liberal in that sense, but really I should think that RIPE have more pressing matters to deal with instead of trying to find a perhaps nonexistent clause that prevents you from wasting good peoples time
I have no issue with cold hard cash being exchanged for this, as long as the right part of the value chain gets the money and as long as the NCC follow policy when giving addresses (where address are taken from the appropriate pool based on size) to LIRs. How those LIRs then monetise that resource (as long as they also follow policy) is up to them. If Someone really wants (or similar) then they need to wait until an LIR is given that address and approach them about buying a suitable service from that LIR that allows them access to that resource. That LIR *MUST* then follow the appropriate procedures and policies and as long as its justified then the allocation can be made. To be honest I can't see that is any more attractive than or you are still going to have to give the details to a person via email or on a website so making the process of finding that information must surely be the most important part of the process. Remember that for DNS it really is a one of change of numbers during the setup of a PC/Device How long does it take to find the really memorable OpenDNS dns addresses with google? J -- James Blessing http://www.despres.co.uk/ 07989 039 476 Superbia in Proelio