
Turchanyi Geza schrieb am 07.11.2011 10:02:
nothing stops th IPv4 PI owners to use IPv6 PA....

Nothing stops anybody of using PA, neither in IPv4 nor in v6. That's not the question.

But any reasons, why somebody wants/needs IPv4 PI space will usually fully apply to IPv6 also. It would seem stupid to me, to have IPv4 ("the past") as PI but IPv6 ("the future") as PA. That won't make sense. What changed between my v4 PI application and my v6 PI application? If I won't need PI on v6 any more, I probably won't need it on v4 any longer.

Siple question: do I need my machines to have provider independend IP addresses or not? If yes, then I need ANY address (IPv4, IPv6, IPvSomething) to be PI and not PA.

So, if somebody already has IPv4 PI space, he/she should more or less automatically receive v6 PI under the same conditions as for v4. He/she just has to reason, why some default /48 won't be enough. Thats my opinion.
