
Il 20/06/2016 10:04, Gert Doering ha scritto:

I would consider this also as a fringe case - legitimate according to the
letter of the policy, but not according to the spirit.   These /22s are
not for trading.
There is space allocated for trading?

But I'm close to giving up on this and calling a ban on further changes
to the IPv4 policy 
I would support it.
- the "new LIR" folks here are accting in a fairly
irresponsible way regarding *future* participants, while at the same
time complaining that they are treated unfairly by the old LIRs - totally
ignoring the fact that *without the foresight of these old LIRs* you
wouldn't have any space at all today.
To punish the bad behavior of one this 2016-03 policy would have many bad side effect as
I already thanked old LIRs didn't request their /22 if you part of those I am perfectly aware I have to be thankful
about this filantropy.

This is not the way to do bottom-up policy making - "I want my cookie and
I want it now, and I do not care for the greater good".
bottom up is to listen arguments from everyone in the community and find a reasonable agreement that satisfies all parties

Gert Doering
        -- APWG chair
Ing. Riccardo Gori
e-mail: rgori@wirem.net
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