
I agree with you no more personal attack should happening any more.

And to be very clear, I am not attacking Gert personally.

I am complaint about one of working group chair does not keep the level of integrity as it should.

It is fundamental difference, in personal level, I do like to be friend with Gert and he of course feel free to like or dislike me. However as APWG chair, I believe Chair should remain neutral on all ground but not judging things based on personal preference as well as personal emotions.

Let's not dive to far from what should be happening here, policy discussion.

With regards.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Opteamax GmbH <ripe@opteamax.de> wrote:
Hi Lu, and all others,

you complain about personal attacks against you over the list on one hand and in the same breath you attack Gert personally ... Hope you're feeling better now, because I can't see any other possible result your post could have as purpose.

All on the list, please stop all those flaming I had to read in the last couple of days. If you know about illegal activities, go to the appropriate authorities. Or maybe first follow the rules defined here:


And now please let us continue our businesses and stop attacking others. Thanks!

Gert: although I am not always agreeing with what you think and say, I think you and Sander are doing a good job!

BR Jens

Am 11. Juni 2015 11:47:58 MESZ, schrieb Lu Heng <h.lu@anytimechinese.com>:
>Hi Gert, and Chair, everyone here:
>This Email is my thought on what happened in past years in the APWG.

Opteamax GmbH - RIPE-Team
Jens Ott

Opteamax GmbH

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Email: jo@opteamax.de

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