New Document available: RIPE-495

New RIPE Document Announcement -------------------------------------- A new document is available from the RIPE Document store: Ref: ripe-495 Title: Principles for Number Resource Registration Policies Author: Rob Blokzijl & Daniel Karrenberg Format: HTML & PDF Date: July 2010 Short content description ------------------------- This document sets out the principles for IPv4 address registration after the unallocated pool of addresses has run out. The purpose of this document is to expose the thinking of the authors, and encourage a discussion in the community. This is not a policy proposal. Once there is community consensus about these principles, the authors intend to instigate the development of appropriate policies. Accessing the RIPE Document store --------------------------------- You can access the RIPE Document in HTML format from our website at the following URL: The RIPE Document Store is also available over anonymous FTP to, in the directory ripe/docs. The URL for the new document on the FTP-server is: Regards Adrian Bedford Web Services Team Leader RIPE NCC
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RIPE NCC Document Announcement Service