Re: [address-policy-wg] 2014-02 New Draft Document and Impact Analysis Published (Allow IPv4 PI transfer)

* Marco Schmidt
«RIPE NCC Registration Services expects that this proposal will have a very positive effect on the accuracy and consistency of the RIPE Registry as the resource holders will have more incentive to properly request and document transfers of PI assignments.» And that's why we have a registry in the first place, is it not? +1 Tore

Hello all, The ability to transfer PI space is long awaited by the community, but I'm a bit skeptical about it.. AFAIK there is a project active in RIPE NCC, which is about retrieving unused PI space. If I'm not wrong, that space is still reserved and in quarantine. Wouldn't this policy change, affect the rate at which PI assignments are returned to RIPE NCC? I believe that the current "unofficial" PI space trade is because there is no other way to get it legitimately. Why not consider to re-allow PI assignments from the returned space, instead of allowing PI transfers? The unused PI space will eventually be returned to RIPE NCC, isn't it? As I see it, this policy change rewards the end users who don't fulfill their contractual obligations and don't return their unused PI space. What would we say to those users who decided to honor their contract? The only benefit I see is that more PI space will change hands, since the end user has financial benefit to do that. Of course that will lead to great de-aggregation and work load for the RIPE NCC.. So, I don't agree nor oppose to this proposal yet. I'll wait to see the comments of the rest in order to make my mind. Regards, George
participants (2)
George Giannousopoulos
Tore Anderson