Re: [address-policy-wg] [sig-policy] RIPE Policy Text for Inter-RIR Transfers - 2014-05

Hi John, Op 5 jun. 2014, om 16:54 heeft John Curran <> het volgende geschreven:
On Jun 5, 2014, at 7:24 AM, Skeeve Stevens <> wrote:
Here is the policy text being proposed in RIPE for Inter-RIR Transfers - 2014-05
I think this policy should be discussed on the RIPE address policy mailing list. Feedback in other places does not have much effect ;) CC'ing APWG now.
From the proposed policy text (with labels added for reference) -
(a) When Internet number resources are transferred to another RIR, the RIPE NCC will work with the destination RIR to allow the transfer to the receiving LIR.
(b) When Internet number resources are transferred from another RIR, the RIPE NCC will work with its member LIR to fulfil any requirements of the sending RIR.
(c) If resources are transferred as legacy resources, the RIPE NCC will apply the legacy policy when accepting these resources.
The intent of the above text may not be clear with respect to resources coming from another region (b) which are presently "legacy" resources in that region, i.e. it might be possible to reasonable argue that the policy intent is (b) or (c) for that case.
When receiving resources from another region then (b) will always apply. At a minimum the RIRs have to work together to keep the databases consistent. If the originating RIR tells the RIPE NCC that those resources are legacy resources then the receiver can choose to have them treated as legacy resources in the RIPE region as well. But the policy does not allow conversion in the other direction. If ARIN would tell the RIPE NCC that the resources are *not* legacy resources (not ever, or not anymore) then they can not not be treated as legacy after transfer.
(Not a comment in favor or opposition to the proposed policy; just seeking clarity so that implementation, if it were adopted, has solid alignment with the policy intent.)
Thanks. Please continue the discussion on the RIPE APWG list ;) Cheers! Sander
participants (1)
Sander Steffann