Hello there, it is interesting to see that everyone is shooting to newcomers/new LIRs and nobody is talking about existing one, it is not the issue to prevent transfer resources, the issue is that almost 70% of members that have multiple /20, /21, /22, /24, are renting the IPs. They took from RIPE and renting out at minimal 150 upto 200€/month for a /24 subnet. The same thing happen to us, as a small company that we cannot get more than a /24 subnet we are forced to rent IPs from those who have multiple LIR accounts and alot of IPs for mentioned price. By implementing the non-transfer resources from newcomers/LIRs you will not solve anything, or maybe a less precentage, but you will not stop big boys with alot of resources to rent them with 200€/month (for now, the price will go up) for a /24 subnet. I do agree with Rick Bakker posts. Kind Regards, Mentor L. -- *Sinqerisht / Sincerely,* AlbHost [image: Logo] <https://www.albahost.net/> Albanian Hosting SH.P.K. Besim Beka p.n. 50000 Gjakovë, Kosovë. NIPT/VAT ID: 811442657 T: +386900501502 E: info@albahost.net W*: *wWw.AlbaHost.Net <http://www.albahost.net/> [image: Facebook icon] <https://www.facebook.com/albanianhosting> [image: Twitter icon] <https://twitter.com/albahost> [image: Instagram icon] <https://www.instagram.com/albahost_vpn/> [image: Banner] Përmbajtja e këtij emaili është konfidenciale dhe ka për qëllim marrësin e specifikuar vetëm në mesazh. Ndalohet rreptësisht shpërndarja e ndonjë pjese të këtij mesazhi me ndonjë palë të tretë, pa pëlqimin me shkrim të dërguesit. Nëse e keni marrë këtë mesazh gabimisht, ju lutemi përgjigjuni këtij mesazhi dhe ndiqni me fshirjen e tij, në mënyrë që të sigurohemi që një gabim i tillë të mos ndodhë në të ardhmen. The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future.
participants (1)
Albanian Hosting SH.P.K.