On 03/03/2016 11:35, Randy Bush wrote:
it would be a convenience to me for you to send me €1000/mo, and i am sure many other sould line up. let's make it mandatory.
can we agree to leave the straw men out of this discussion? They're not helping.
no. even you seem to confuse what is necessary for the ncc to maintain a rigorously correct resource allocation registry and what is convenient for operators.
i understamd the former being mandatory. while i occasionally find a good abuse-c: useful, it is not my prerogative to mandate that another operator have one for my convenience.
the ncc's job is a rigorous registry, not a convenience store for ops.
In these days of political interest in how the internet is 'managed' the RIRs need to do more than 'just maintain an accurate registry'. The internet is a crucial part of modern life. Abuse is considered to be a serious problem. What you are saying is that you don't give a dam about abuse and are not interested in being part of the management of abuse. The more people who hold and publish this view, the more likely politicians are to get involved. cheers denis