... This too.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Foster <blakjak@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] How to Ask For A Website to Be taken Down, was How Not To Ask For A Website to Be taken Down
To: tk@abusix.com

2010/12/24 Tobias Knecht <tk@abusix.com>

Hi all,

> Does it make any sense to produce a RIPE document suggesting the proper
> way to report abuse?
> This document can be short & sweet, just like the reports should be. A
> few good ideas are already in this thread: report to the right people,
> say the important bits up-front, and so on.

We are already working on a format, that is used by more and more
people. It is meant as an extension to the well known RFC 5965 ARF.
Called X-ARF. http://xarf.org

Everybody who is interested in helping and using it, let us know and we
can subscribe you to the mailinglist.

Some tools are already available here: https://github.com/xarf

Anything that makes reporting abuse harder for the victim, is counter-productive, IMHO. 
This to me is all an attempt to make abuse-complaint-receivers better equipped to use automation to deal with complaints.
Noone who reports abuse likes talking to automation.
