In message <>, Brian Nisbet <> wrote:
... but there is no step where the General Meeting is asked to vote on a policy, it's all done by consensus in the Working Groups.
Well, I honestly didn't know that, and frankly it comes as a bit of a shock to me. Given what you've just said, I don't think that it would be accurate to say that I am an uneuqivocal supporter of the present -process- for adopting RIPE policy proposals. In fact, quite the contrary. My hope would be that if working group `X' endorses some policy which could potentially have far ranging implications for the whole membership then -all- of the parties affected should have some voice in the policy adoption process. And if that is not currently how things work, then it is, in my estimation, sub-optimal. But this is hardly the first or only instance when I have some quibble with how things are done in RIPEland. So please just consider it as one more log on the fire, as far as I personally am concerned. Anyway, thanks for the clarification Brian. Regards, rfg