Dear Brian

There is an FAQ that gives an overview and simple instructions for setting up your abuse details or changing them

Please let me know if you think there is anything missing or not clear.

Denis Walker
Business Analyst
RIPE NCC Database Team

On 26/02/2014 22:38, Brian Rak wrote:
Is there a (short) simple overview of what abuse-c contacts are, and why they're useful?

I've been in contact with a couple datacenters who respond to my abuse reports with "please see this other address, like whois says".  I let them know their abuse-c entry points to their email address, and they proceed to tell me the exact same thing.

It would be quite handy if there were a page with a short description of what it is, and why they should implement it.  So far, the only thing I've found is , which is pretty detailed.