Richard, I'd like you to clarify some of the statements you made below: 1. "A Working Group cannot propose a policy, a member has to propose a policy." I'm not sure where you got this idea. I thought that in the meeting you had with Axel, Remco, Rob and myself we made it abundantly clear that anyone can propose a policy. You can walk in off the street and propose a policy if you want. 2. "The limitations are time and my inexperience (I have never worked through that process before), plus I'm somewhat discouraged from doing it by the resistance I encounter from RIPE NCC staff when pursuing these issues." If you call flying you to Amsterdam and setting up a meeting with two board members, the MD and the RIPE chair "discouragement", I'm not sure what we can do about it. We even pointed out to you on the front page of the RIPE website exactly where the instructions are for proposing a policy, and promised you help in guiding you through the process. 3. "The decision as to where each policy proposal is discussed and agreed, is made by the Working-Group Chairs collective." Incorrect. The WG-Chairs collective just decides if the process has been followed correctly. The chairs of the appropriate WG moderate the discussion, within their WG. For the avoidance of doubt, for the AAWG this is you and Brian. Brian, I'm sure, is aware of this. 4. Brian Nisbet and I are obviously members of that collective, but we have to overcome the hurdle that no Policy proposal that impacts on what the RIPE NCC do, has ever (as far as I can see) been put through the Policy Development Process within the AAWG or its predecessor, the ASWG... I would go further and say that no policy has ever even been proposed by the AAWG. So why don't you do something about it? The RIPE NCC (and I'm sure the other WG chairs, should you need advice) are poised, waiting to help you. Nigel