Yes that is what I said about a legal obligation versus good citizenship


On 17-Aug-2016, at 2:46 PM, ox <> wrote:

On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 14:38:09 +0530
Suresh Ramasubramanian <> wrote:
I think the term that's being collectively  groped for is whether
ripe ncc has a reporting obligation in case it discovers criminal

The number of cases where such reporting is mandatory in law and not
simply a matter of good citizenship is rather limited - threat to
life, kidnap, etc.

No, not so much...

It is not a "point of view" whether RIPE has the obligation to file
criminal complaints when there is fraud committed against RIPE

Under Dutch Law, We have already heard how RIPE is registered...

In fact, if it was a public company, it would not be much different either..

Speaking generally, in most places in the world where you are working
or operating the assets of someone other than yourself their are many
additional things that become relevant to your own operation...

I think that we may want to hear from RIPE legal in that regard

But, what I am also saying is that socially, civil society and simple
ethics and good custodial management, basic decency and so very very
many other things demand that RIPE files criminal complaints when there
is crime.

For example: Should an official of RIPE steal money at RIPE there is an
obligation to file a criminal complaint.

Same principles apply all throughout



On 17-Aug-2016, at 2:26 PM, Rob Evans <> wrote:

When anyone commits fraud to obtain a resource from RIPE, RIPE has
the responsibility to file criminal charges against that criminal.

I am not saying that I think RIPE should file criminal charges, I
am saying that not doing so is in itself a questionable action.

Well, to be pedantic, *criminal* charges are filed by the police
or other law-enforcment body, not by companies. :)
