I would go further and say that no policy has ever even been proposed
by the AAWG. So why don't you do something about it? The RIPE NCC
(and I'm sure the other WG chairs, should you need advice) are poised,
waiting to help you.

I was under the impression that the BCP document (RIPE-409) had the
status of a policy.  If that is not so, then your point is valid.
And it is certainly high time this group DID produce some policy.

To comment on this and this alone, at least for the moment, RIPE-409 is a RIPE document that Rodney (the chair of the Anti-Spam WG) chose to put through the PDP, a process that was really properly coming into being at the time. So while the PDP was used, the feeling was that it wasn't actually required. 

So, in short, no policy has, as yet, passed through the AA-WG and I think it would be wrong to represent 409 as policy for the purposes if this conversation, if not all purposes. It is, for all its excellent content, a non-binding BCP document. 
