For the least: An example...
What if a few of the email addresses provided to RIPE by a concerned network who was allocated this or that IP Block numbers is wrong?
Or simply bounce back for any reason?

Say for instance that you want to advise this other network that you possess serious reasons to believe that their network or email server was infected by sort of a trojan that sends spam on its own?
Or any other threat that one can think of...

1st lookup the ARIN registration of that network, pick up the email addesses and send an email to some administrators over there (Copied or not)
And the emails BOUNCE BACK!

Ok, there's something for the least bizarre with the idenfications this unreachable network provided to RIPE in regard to where they can be reached? Isn't it?

Next... Say, you just happen to be very friendly with a romanian individual!
You contact that person and ask her to advise some of the network admin who's apparently has a specific case of trojan infection.

Misery! The address (Building number) provided by that nework appears to be a vacant lot. The civic address before it is a garage and the one after it is also a garage!
Both land or building owners have told your friend that the building number do not exist!

Could it be that the network owner is some guy some "Planet Kinglon"?
You know... Last place where Dr. Spock was seen?

Tell me, what the use for RIPE to cumulate its data base if it is known, recognized and agreed by RIPE that anybody can give RIPE any data pertaining to the IP# number RIPE allocate to any RIPE customer?

Simple! If anybody impose to remain totally confidential, destroy RIPE's. ARIN, LASNIC and all data base.

We'll end Internet as it is known right away and need to create a new one where everyone can pretend any fasle or misleading informations
As of now and until new developments, RIPE, ARIN, LASNIC and the other east Asia registry bases requires exact and up to date informations in their data bases.

Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 16:09:32 +0500
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] RIPE NCC Procedure Regarding LIR Information in the RIPE Database

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Athina Fragkouli <> wrote:
Dear Pierre, all,

In response to your emails, here is some general information on this matter.

The RIPE NCC requests that the LIRs provide the RIPE NCC with truthful information, as well as correctly maintain their registration in the RIPE Database at all times. If an LIR fails to do so, the RIPE NCC will terminate the service agreement with this LIR and deregister the Internet number resources allocated to it.
What is the procedure to check if the information is valid or not? How RIPE can make a judgement?  

More information about this procedure can be found in the RIPE NCC procedural document "Closure of LIR and Deregistration of Internet Number Resources", available at:

The RIPE NCC handles abuse complaints sent by third parties. Anyone can send a complaint to
Never received a positive response from abuse@ripe

As well as the procedures already in place, the RIPE community recently formed the Abuse Contact Management Task Force (ACM-TF), which is examining policy proposals around the issue of managing the abuse contact field in the RIPE Database. More information about the task force can be found at:

Hope  this clarifies the existing procedures, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
Athina Fragkouli

Aftab A. Siddiqui

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