But Marco's response mentions to *correcting* the contact addresses, not 
just verifying them. That involves working with human beings, so it 
makes sense that it will take a while.

No it doesn't - that was the whole point of the "change" in the first place, that it was to reduce the amount of verification needed to be done by RIPE. There is a simple automated way to verify the entries - click a link, enter a CAPTCHA, or your resources are decommissioned within 24 hours.

How much crime can be committed in the months it has taken (and continues to take)?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] Verification of abuse contact addresses ?
From: Shane Kerr <shane@time-travellers.org>
Date: Fri, March 08, 2019 9:40 pm
To: anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net

Fi Shing,

I'm sure verifying the delivery of 70k e-mails (or however many is in
the database) can be done in a few hours.

But Marco's response mentions to *correcting* the contact addresses, not
just verifying them. That involves working with human beings, so it
makes sense that it will take a while.



On 08/03/2019 11.07, Fi Shing wrote:
> If it takes more than a week to verify your entire database, there is
> the first sign that something is wrong with your system.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] Verification of abuse contact addresses ?
> From: Marco Schmidt <mschmidt@ripe.net ><mailto:mschmidt@ripe.net>>
> Date: Thu, March 07, 2019 10:03 pm
> To: "Ronald F. Guilmette" <rfg@tristatelogic.com
> <mailto:rfg@tristatelogic.com>>,
> anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net <mailto:anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net>
> Hello Ronald,
> We are planning to publish an updated timeline soon.
> Ultimately, our implementation will depend of the level of cooperation
> we get from LIRs and the nature of issues that need to be fixed before
> an abuse contact can be updated (for example, some organisations may
> need to reset their maintainer password).
> Over the next few weeks we will be analysing our progress, to make a
> realistic estimation. From observations so far, we think we might be
> able to finish our initial validation of all abuse contacts within six
> months - but it is still too early to make any strong predictions.
> Kind regards,
> Marco Schmidt
> On 05/03/2019 21:51, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> > In message <9c95c110-d5a3-e94a-6b3c-b02030736e7c@ripe.net
> <mailto:9c95c110-d5a3-e94a-6b3c-b02030736e7c@ripe.net>>,
> > Marco Schmidt <mschmidt@ripe.net ><mailto:mschmidt@ripe.net>> wrote:
> >
> >> It is correct that the implementation phase is still ongoing. Currently
> >> we are validating all the abuse contact information referenced in LIR
> >> organisation objects. Then we will proceed with the validation of abuse
> >> contacts referenced in LIR resource objects - the example that you
> >> mentioned belongs to this group. And finally all abuse contacts
> >> referenced in End User (sponsored) objects will be validated.
> > Thanks for the info Marco.
> >
> > I guess the only question I would ask is this: Is there a published
> > timeline for how this whole process is planned to play out, and for
> > when it is planned to be completed?
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > rfg
> >