Hello AA-WG community

We will switch things up a bit in the next Anti-Abuse WG Meeting in Rome at the end of the month.
The recent list discussions have brought up some topics that will need some work, and we want to use the time to start working on them. The three issues under B.3 are
- Abuse Email Address Verification
- ASN Clean-up
- Abuse Email Ignored

We want your suggestions and ideas and some volunteers who can take a good starting point from the conversation and drive the topics forward.

To make this session as productive as possible, please be prepared with ideas and suggestions, and let's not just talk about what we can not, should not, and don't want to do and focus on what's in front of us.

If you have questions, please get in touch with us directly; otherwise, we'll see you in a bit in Rome.

Co-Chair Anti-Abuse Working Group @ RIPE