Ron has presented several issues as he sees them. It is now up to ripe ncc to see what action if any to take on this cidr based on, say, inaccurate information presented in the paperwork.

Meanwhile could this little fight please go back to the schoolyard?


On 17-Aug-2016, at 6:52 AM, Sascha Luck [ml] <> wrote:

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 06:07:13PM -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
It is with a combination of humility and amazement that I take
note of Mr. Luck's personal interest in, and defense of the
honor and reputation of as yet unidentified Russian

Again, with the unsubstantiated accusations. Based on missing
apartment numbers, no less. Perhaps you subscribe to Mr Goebbels' axiom that, if you repeat a
lie often enough, it becomes the truth?

This exhibit of selfless compassion and
commitment to the rights of total strangers puts even the likes
of Mother Teresa and Pope Francis to shame.

Like most fanatics, you fail utterly at humour.

I do wonder however if The Chair should not perhaps lighten Mr.
Luck's heavy burden by directly inviting the purported
registrants of the IP address block to come
here, speak for themselves, and defend their own honor and
reputations, as they are themselves uniquely qualified to do.

You fail at secondary-school law too. They (whoever they may be)
have to prove *nothing*. It is up to you to prove your
accusations or shut the fuck up.
Yes, I'm aware this is ad-hominem but I am sick, sick to my back
teeth, of your insane, endless trolling on this list. You, sir,
need to seek professional help, the sooner the better.


Sascha Luck

Regards, rfg