On Tuesday 06 July 2010 11.51, Mirjam Kuehne wrote:
Dear colleagues,
John S. Quarterman and his team at the University of Texas is advocating more cooperation in fighting spam. They are building models for economic incentives for Internet mail providers. Read more on RIPE Labs:
The team is very interested to receive feedback from the RIPE community. Please note at the end of the article a list of specific questions and a forum we set up for further discussion.
Kind Regards, Mirjam Kühne RIPE NCC
Nice initiative! RIPE could start with reorganizing it's lame anti-abuse group to a more specific anti-spam working group and start propagating already known facts to it's "customers". Such as "best practices for running broadband networks" or "securing mobile networks against spam" An active campain directed to all ripe "users" would be a good starting point, educating and spreading recepies of successful ways to prevent customers windows-computers of becoming spam-senders. This could be followed-up with statistics that pinpoints "sleazy ISP's" and lobbying with politicans to sharpen the lame legal tools that is available. In sweden as an example, it has been illegal since several years to send spam, but the only person that is assigned this task has ( to my knowledge ) not convicted a single spammer. I even have examples of so called it-security companies that has been sending spam for 3 yeárs ( using stolen or harvested addresses) We need to take the spam-problem seriously. It hurts out ability to use email, it steals our time and ressources. And it's a channel to even more serious crime. Ant now! -- Peter Håkanson There's never money to do it right, but always money to do it again ... and again ... and again ... and again. ( Det är billigare att göra rätt. Det är dyrt att laga fel. )