Hi Carsten,

I made a mistake in judgement with regards to what the email was about, so I think this topic is sort of redundant at this point.
And to not end up spamming people too much, I think we should at least restrict it to aa-wg only if it should be discussed further (which I don't personally think it should).
I got an email mentioning how this is maybe not too much in scope for RIPE list.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 2:46 PM Carsten Schiefner <ripe-wgs.cs@schiefner.de> wrote:
Hi Cynthia,

I share Volker's PoV to some larger extend: yes, Tobias' email might be
a bit edgy wrt. marketing - but one could also read his first mentioning
of him being Co-Chair as just proper introduction. And the second one as
a reasoning why his email just went to you instead of the AA WG list as
a whole.

Also, it would be interesting - at least for me - which of your postings
triggered Tobias' private response. I am unsure which one of your's at:


to pick...



On 22.02.2021 18:23, Cynthia Revström via ripe-list wrote:
> It is possible but I highly doubt it.
>> We at Abusix run Abuse Desk for dozens of Service Providers of any
> size and any type of product. From Cloud to DC-Services, Cable, and so on.
> That sounds so much like marketing and irrelevant if it wasn't.
> Also if it wasn't marketing, why would he ask for me to schedule a video
> call?
> Once again I could be wrong, and if I am, I am sorry, but I can't see
> how this isn't marketing.
> -Cynthia
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 6:18 PM Volker Greimann
> <vgreimann@key-systems.net <mailto:vgreimann@key-systems.net>> wrote:
>     I think you totally misread his mail. It reads to me as a proposal
>     to help you understand the processes used by many providers, not as
>     a sales pitch.
>     Best,
>     -- 
>     Volker A. Greimann
>     General Counsel and Policy Manager
>     T: +49 6894 9396901
>     M: +49 6894 9396851
>     F: +49 6894 9396851
>     W: www.key-systems.net <http://www.key-systems.net/>
>     Key-Systems GmbH is a company registered at the local court of
>     Saarbruecken, Germany with the registration no. HR B 18835
>     CEO: Oliver Fries and Robert Birkner
>     Part of the CentralNic Group PLC (LON: CNIC) a company registered in
>     England and Wales with company number 8576358.
>     This email and any files transmitted are confidential and intended
>     only for the person(s) directly addressed. If you are not the
>     intended recipient, any use, copying, transmission, distribution, or
>     other forms of dissemination is strictly prohibited. If you have
>     received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately
>     and permanently delete this email with any files that may be attached.
>     On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 6:12 PM Cynthia Revström via anti-abuse-wg
>     <anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net <mailto:anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net>> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         (intro)
>         Tobias Knecht sent me an email (which this is a reply to)
>         abusing his position as co-chair in order to try to sell me
>         services based on what I said on a mailing list.
>         (mainly towards Tobias)
>         Replying to me based on a mailing list post in order to try to
>         sell me services is bad enough.
>         To do it as a co-chair and then to use the fact that you are
>         co-chair as a selling point is much worse.
>         I find this utterly appalling behaviour from a co-chair of a
>         working group, I didn't reach out to you, you weren't even in
>         the thread at all.
>         also this:
>         > As a Co-Chair I didn't want to jump into the mix on the
>         mailing list, that's why I'm reaching out to you directly.
>         I mean that is sort of the point of co-chairs generally speaking
>         but yeah it is going to look bad if you are trying to sell
>         something, because it is bad.
>         (mainly towards chair team and aa-wg chairs)
>         A co-chair of a working group should absolutely be warned or
>         removed if they abuse their position to sell their services.
>         I also somehow doubt that this is the first time, I could be
>         wrong, but idk why this would be the first time.
>         I hate it when for example Cogent sends me emails trying to sell
>         me services despite me never having contacted them (outside of
>         replying saying I am not interested).
>         But this is more like if the Cogent sales people were co-chairs
>         of the db-wg.
>         Also with a subject like "RIPE AA-WG discussion" I initially
>         thought it was actually about something I said or whatever, in
>         his role as co-chair, it didn't appear like it was a sales email.
>         I have also CC'd the aa-wg and ripe list as this is too
>         appalling to be held private.
>         -Cynthia
>         On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 5:50 PM Tobias Knecht <tk@abusix.com
>         <mailto:tk@abusix.com>> wrote:
>             Hello Cynthia,
>             my name is Tobias. I'm a Co-Chair of the Anti-Abuse Working
>             Group and also Founder and CEO of Abusix.
>             As a Co-Chair I didn't want to jump into the mix on the
>             mailing list, that's why I'm reaching out to you directly. 
>             We at Abusix run Abuse Desk for dozens of Service Providers
>             of any size and any type of product. From Cloud to
>             DC-Services, Cable, and so on.
>             Happy to jump on a call and answer the questions you have
>             and tell you about how our clients handle those things. 
>             Feel free to reach out via email or just pick a time in my
>             calendar: https://calendly.com/tobias-knecht/30min
>             <https://calendly.com/tobias-knecht/30min>
>             Thanks and stay safe.
>             Tobias
>             -- 
>             Tobias Knecht
>             Founder & CEO
>             T.
>             +49 170 455 98 45
>             abusix.com
>             <https://cloud.letsignit.com/collect/bc/5fc946660b5c6b0008d672f1?p=3QW9LKZRNsNLctpv2M4xw66qtjrDbFHkRfe_Jo_T8nIlQuwLC6zZ9OH0kt1uknMTCaPgfev0DqYl37D4m9Ee4vsbDzR0i3-_vR79jccowDesvdhqrvzXzi6k_yA1omSOmnzd-c_2CqBfYJjJFgV9BQOpBRSRjC8wMv-fT3nwGx3tkMlHQ6jWt4ciVIkA_II6>
>             Book a meeting
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>             <https://cloud.letsignit.com/collect/bc/5fc946660b5c6b0008d672f1?p=3QW9LKZRNsNLctpv2M4xw66qtjrDbFHkRfe_Jo_T8nIlQuwLC6zZ9OH0kt1uknMT9SwLHL8nP_FvGHuL1dmuWuwTIYoZ5mdTWmhqltOyd8WxVKbCGLLoqGos1EesYhP7>
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